Saturday, February 13, 2010
It is winter now...
Winter (Zemestan)
Poet: Mehdi Akhavan Sales (M. Omid)
Translation: Mahvash Shahegh Hariri
They are not going to answer your greeting,
their heads are in their jackets.
Nobody is going to raise his head,
to answer a question or to see a friend.
The eyes cannot see beyond the feet,
the road is dark and slick.
If you stretch a friendly hand towards anybody,
he hardly brings his hand out of his pocket,
because the cold is so bitter.
The breath which comes out of his lungs,
becomes a dark cloud,
and stands like a wall in front of your eyes.
While your own breath is like this,
what do you expect from your distant or close friends?
MY gentle Messiah, O, dirty dressed monk,
the weather is so ungently cold.
You be warm and happy!
You answer my greeting and open the door!
This is me, your nightly guest, an unhappy gypsy;
this is me, a kicked up, afflicted stone,
this is me, a low insult of creation, an untuned melody.
I am neither white nor black.
I am colorless.
Come and open the door, see how cheerless I am.
O, my dear host, your nightly guest is shivering outside.
There is no hail outside, no death;
if you hear any sound, it is the sound of cold and teeth.
I have come tonight to pay up my loan.
I have come tonight to leave my debt beside my mug.
What are you saying, that,
it is too late, it is dawn, it is day?
What you see on the sky,
is not the redness after dawn,
it is the result of the winter's slap,
On the sky's cheeks.
And your universal sun, dead or alive,
is hidden by the long coffin of the dark.
O, partner go and get the wine ready,
the days are same as nights
They are not going to answer your greeting,
the air is gloomy, doors are closed,
the heads are in jackets, the hands are hidden,
the breaths are clouds, the people are tired and sad,
the trees are crystallized skeletons, the earth is low-spirited
the roof of the sky is low,
the sun and moon are hazy,
It is winter.
Happy birthday!

From: another one of all
So another year of your life passed by so soon?? During this year you have experienced so much right?? During this year WE have experienced so much together .... I guess because we were born adventurous.....
so all i have is a thank you..... thanks for being so kind and supportive and thanks for listening to my endless speeches and not saying a word.... thanks for the books you have lent...
they were so informative by the way!!
I hope you'll achieve all you have ever wanted.... and if you couldn't once..... try again.... try again.... don't be afraid of confessing you lost your way.... It's Ok.... NOBODY'S PERFECT....
and we all be right next to you helping you all along... all you have to do is believing all i said...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Iranian high schools
You have all seen the movie called '' high school musical''….. Everybody said wow!! It's amazing and they felt the pain that Gabriella Montez felt when she had to go to another college…. Oh what a big huge pain…. Having all those sweet moments and dancing and singing and then separating….. WOW…. Studying in the best schools and facilities and then nagging????? Oh don't think so….
What has happened in high school musical is not really rare. It happens all over the world.... fans of high school musical felt the pain of Gabriella Montez…. Oh God what a joke…. Then can't they feel the pain of Iranian students????? What Gabriella has felt is only 0.
In Tehran known as capital city of Iran students are facing a lot of problems…. Let alone the ones are studying in small village…. OK if Gabriella was there what would she do?? Let me make a film about Iranian students and if high school fans felt pain they'll cry until the end!! Is that OK??
Troy Bolton is simply going to college only by making a small decision and he felt so sad that he's going to be away from his GIRL FRIEND…. In these days with emails and text messages no one is separate… and if fans became sad… if I make a movie about how hard is it to get in to a normal university in Iran then fans wouldn't be sad only… they keep crying… may be fans of high school wouldn't know how many people had heart attack and fainted during the KONKOOR…
KONKOOR is an exam for entering to universities in Iran and the average of night mares is about KONKOOR I guess!!!! Fans of high school still keep feeling pain because of Gabriella… if they do then they're so ………
Here is a letter from an Iranian student to school manager but because students are not allowed to criticize managers he gave it to us to make sure all over the world know about schools and so on…
As I remember since I was a kid they said that…. They didn't even let us to think about it in different ways… we all tolerated that… hoping some day one person would hear our voice and find a cure for this pain but what certainly has happened?? We used to be quiet… our silence isn't a sign that we don't have something to speak about…. After years and years we've lost what we used to own…. It was like time took everything used to be ours…. Our feelings, our abilities, our calmness, our rights, our beliefs, our creativity, and a very important thing we used to own when we were kids but not anymore right now…… called FREEDOM…
We went to a place they say is like our home…. We wondered why we did things that even soldiers do not do them!! We were scared… we couldn't play anymore…. We couldn't be those happy and funny kids we used to be and it was during we were still kids…. We had to play those days but instead of playing they gave us freedom….. We really didn't know what does freedom mean and we didn't have something to say… they were taking freedom away from us while we had something to tell them. We had to change any way…. We didn't want freedom that time. Now we want it, but we don't have it!!! All of us shut up and didn't say even a word… when somebody has done something harsh or bad to us, we just imagined a place that everything is fair and justice….this is not good because we can't protest you know??? They have never let us to think why they say our duties?? Isn't justice the mixture of rights and duties??? Aren't duties and rights related to each other?? If duties and rights wouldn't be together world is not fair anymore…. And maybe they wanted this little point here that we never think about it…. No never think…. Never ever!!!
Why wouldn't you let me to say it all??? Purposely and by knowing it you wouldn't let!!! Why you say school is our house??? Is school like our second house??? You got that all wrong you guys!
In which home do they treat the kids like you treat us at schools??? Come on let's see!! We have became all you wanted! We have became those intolerant and deaf and speechless people who always keep their lips zipped. Why don't you answer?? In which house there are cameras all over the house to notice what are kids doing?? In which house some live happily and some people are ignored? In which house people are not allowed to say their ideas??? In which house they teach the meaning of believing facts by force?? What do you think believing a fact is?? Isn't that accepting rules without a second thinking about those rules???? In which house some went to travel secretly and others don't know anything about it?? It which house the distinction between people is realized by the admiring the ones you selected them?? In which house people are afraid of undercover people or informer or something like that. Nope!! We do NOT think so ….. School is not even like our second house!! School is a place for the ones are flaunting their power…. School is a place for the ones think they can do anything… school is a place for the ones who are exerting their power to take their revenge for what people have done to them when they were kids….
School is a place for those who obey the unwritten rules…. The ones who work at schools because of money…. School is a place for the ones who can say their opinions…their opinion is what you think is right probably not their own opinion…. School is a place for those who are afraid to protest… actually school is like the second house for the ones who are looking for everything except FREEDOM… and again that FREEDOM!! In the end school is a home for the ones who are doing everything to make us saying SCHOOL ISN'T OUR SECOND HOUSE!!!!
Of course what this student has written is somehow right but any way I have to notice that in Iran there are so many teachers who are trying to teach students in hard situations…. There are so many teachers that come to school because they love students and it is not always like what this student has written…. There are so many differences between Iranian schools and the schools in other countries… I guess our next post is going to be about those differences!!!
TO BE CONTINUED…..who we are?
We are a group of high school students who decided to show their country to entire world….
We live in Iran…Oh No!!!Wait…. Don't leave our weblog…. We want you to enjoy not to leave… Iranian people are not what you think about them… you have to live with them to know them well… our posts will bring you all beside Iranian people and you'll know them just the way they are
Have Fun!!!
About Me
- Sarv
- I am Sarv. I've been trying to find my path through life. I've become an expert in overthinking and thinking. Therefore, I am here for all the over-thinkers and people who are going through so much and want to know they are not alone.